free命令用来查看内存信息 先来看下帮助文档,可以看到free命令是一个用来展示内存剩余量和使用量的命令
[root@iZ8lgm9icspkthZ ~]# man free > 1.txt
[root@iZ8lgm9icspkthZ ~]# cat 1.txt
FREE(1) User Commands FREE(1)
free - Display amount of free and used memory in the system
free [options]
free displays the total amount of free and used physical and swap memory in the system, as well as the buffers and caches used
by the kernel. The information is gathered by parsing /proc/meminfo. The displayed columns are:
total Total installed memory (MemTotal and SwapTotal in /proc/meminfo)
used Used memory (calculated as total - free - buffers - cache)
free Unused memory (MemFree and SwapFree in /proc/meminfo)
shared Memory used (mostly) by tmpfs (Shmem in /proc/meminfo)
Memory used by kernel buffers (Buffers in /proc/meminfo)
cache Memory used by the page cache and slabs (Cached and SReclaimable in /proc/meminfo)
Sum of buffers and cache
Estimation of how much memory is available for starting new applications, without swapping. Unlike the data provided by
the cache or free fields, this field takes into account page cache and also that not all reclaimable memory slabs will be
reclaimed due to items being in use (MemAvailable in /proc/meminfo, available on kernels 3.14, emulated on kernels
2.6.27+, otherwise the same as free)
-b, --bytes
Display the amount of memory in bytes.
-k, --kibi
Display the amount of memory in kibibytes. This is the default.
-m, --mebi
Display the amount of memory in mebibytes.
-g, --gibi
Display the amount of memory in gibibytes.
--tebi Display the amount of memory in tebibytes.
--pebi Display the amount of memory in pebibytes.
--kilo Display the amount of memory in kilobytes. Implies --si.
--mega Display the amount of memory in megabytes. Implies --si.
--giga Display the amount of memory in gigabytes. Implies --si.
--tera Display the amount of memory in terabytes. Implies --si.
--peta Display the amount of memory in petabytes. Implies --si.
-h, --human
Show all output fields automatically scaled to shortest three digit unit and display the units of print out. Following
units are used.
B = bytes
K = kibibyte
M = mebibyte
G = gibibyte
T = tebibyte
P = pebibyte
If unit is missing, and you have exbibyte of RAM or swap, the number is in tebibytes and columns might not be aligned
with header.
-w, --wide
Switch to the wide mode. The wide mode produces lines longer than 80 characters. In this mode buffers and cache are
reported in two separate columns.
-c, --count count
Display the result count times. Requires the -s option.
-l, --lohi
Show detailed low and high memory statistics.
-s, --seconds delay
Continuously display the result delay seconds apart. You may actually specify any floating point number for delay using
either . or , for decimal point. usleep(3) is used for microsecond resolution delay times.
--si Use kilo, mega, giga etc (power of 1000) instead of kibi, mebi, gibi (power of 1024).
-t, --total
Display a line showing the column totals.
--help Print help.
-V, --version
Display version information.
memory information
The value for the shared column is not available from kernels before 2.6.32 and is displayed as zero.
Please send bug reports to
ps(1), slabtop(1), top(1), vmstat(8).
procps-ng 2016-06-03 FREE(1)
物理内存,swap内存,buffers和caches。 这些主要来源于/proc/meminfo 我们也可以通过cat /proc/meminfo来查询详细的内容。
这里分别以free -m和free -h命令为例:
[root@iZ8lgm9icspkthZ ~]# free -m
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 3626 1664 170 42 1791 1672
Swap: 0 0 0
[root@iZ8lgm9icspkthZ ~]# free -h
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 3.5Gi 1.6Gi 168Mi 42Mi 1.7Gi 1.6Gi
Swap: 0B 0B 0B
关于每个字段更详细的解释可以看下man free命令的英文说明文档
Buffers 是内核缓冲区用到的内存,对应的是 /proc/meminfo 中的 Buffers 值。
Cache 是内核页缓存和 Slab 用到的内存,对应的是 /proc/meminfo 中的 Cached 与 SReclaimable 之和。
关于cat /proc/meminfo 信息如下所示:
[root@iZ8lgm9icspkthZ ~]# cat /proc/meminfo
MemTotal: 3713912 kB
MemFree: 173840 kB
MemAvailable: 1710764 kB
Buffers: 12 kB
Cached: 1733312 kB
SwapCached: 0 kB
Active: 2291788 kB
Inactive: 946400 kB
Active(anon): 1507772 kB
Inactive(anon): 40508 kB
Active(file): 784016 kB
Inactive(file): 905892 kB
Unevictable: 0 kB
Mlocked: 0 kB
SwapTotal: 0 kB
SwapFree: 0 kB
Dirty: 152 kB
Writeback: 0 kB
AnonPages: 1496880 kB
Mapped: 341156 kB
Shmem: 43416 kB
KReclaimable: 100896 kB
Slab: 213400 kB
SReclaimable: 100896 kB
SUnreclaim: 112504 kB
KernelStack: 14336 kB
PageTables: 18688 kB
NFS_Unstable: 0 kB
Bounce: 0 kB
WritebackTmp: 0 kB
CommitLimit: 1856956 kB
Committed_AS: 8273752 kB
VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB
VmallocUsed: 0 kB
VmallocChunk: 0 kB
Percpu: 8624 kB
HardwareCorrupted: 0 kB
AnonHugePages: 741376 kB
ShmemHugePages: 0 kB
ShmemPmdMapped: 0 kB
HugePages_Total: 0
HugePages_Free: 0
HugePages_Rsvd: 0
HugePages_Surp: 0
Hugepagesize: 2048 kB
Hugetlb: 0 kB
DirectMap4k: 697016 kB
DirectMap2M: 3348480 kB
DirectMap1G: 0 kB
关于top命令就非常强大了,这里仅仅通过man top来查看文档,然后抽取到关于内存信息的内容如下:
Linux Memory Types
For our purposes there are three types of memory, and one is optional. First is physical memory, a limited resource where code
and data must reside when executed or referenced. Next is the optional swap file, where modified (dirty) memory can be saved
and later retrieved if too many demands are made on physical memory. Lastly we have virtual memory, a nearly unlimited resource
serving the following goals:
1. abstraction, free from physical memory addresses/limits
2. isolation, every process in a separate address space
3. sharing, a single mapping can serve multiple needs
4. flexibility, assign a virtual address to a file
Regardless of which of these forms memory may take, all are managed as pages (typically 4096 bytes) but expressed by default in
top as KiB (kibibyte). The memory discussed under topic `2c. MEMORY Usage' deals with physical memory and the swap file for the
system as a whole. The memory reviewed in topic `3. FIELDS / Columns Display' embraces all three memory types, but for individ‐
ual processes.
For each such process, every memory page is restricted to a single quadrant from the table below. Both physical memory and vir‐
tual memory can include any of the four, while the swap file only includes #1 through #3. The memory in quadrant #4, when modi‐
fied, acts as its own dedicated swap file.
Private | Shared
1 | 2
Anonymous . stack |
. malloc() |
. brk()/sbrk() | . POSIX shm*
. mmap(PRIVATE, ANON) | . mmap(SHARED, ANON)
. mmap(PRIVATE, fd) | . mmap(SHARED, fd)
File-backed . pgms/shared libs |
3 | 4
The following may help in interpreting process level memory values displayed as scalable columns and discussed under topic `3a.
%MEM - simply RES divided by total physical memory
CODE - the `pgms' portion of quadrant 3
DATA - the entire quadrant 1 portion of VIRT plus all
explicit mmap file-backed pages of quadrant 3
RES - anything occupying physical memory which, beginning with
Linux-4.5, is the sum of the following three fields:
RSan - quadrant 1 pages, which include any
former quadrant 3 pages if modified
RSfd - quadrant 3 and quadrant 4 pages
RSsh - quadrant 2 pages
RSlk - subset of RES which cannot be swapped out (any quadrant)
SHR - subset of RES (excludes 1, includes all 2 & 4, some 3)
SWAP - potentially any quadrant except 4
USED - simply the sum of RES and SWAP
VIRT - everything in-use and/or reserved (all quadrants)
Note: Even though program images and shared libraries are considered private to a process, they will be accounted for as shared
(SHR) by the kernel.
2c. MEMORY Usage
This portion consists of two lines which may express values in kibibytes (KiB) through exbibytes (EiB) depending on the scaling
factor enforced with the `E' interactive command.
As a default, Line 1 reflects physical memory, classified as:
total, free, used and buff/cache
Line 2 reflects mostly virtual memory, classified as:
total, free, used and avail (which is physical memory)
The avail number on line 2 is an estimation of physical memory available for starting new applications, without swapping.
Unlike the free field, it attempts to account for readily reclaimable page cache and memory slabs. It is available on kernels
3.14, emulated on kernels 2.6.27+, otherwise the same as free.
In the alternate memory display modes, two abbreviated summary lines are shown consisting of these elements:
a b c
GiB Mem : 18.7/15.738 [ ...
GiB Swap: 0.0/7.999 [ ...
Where: a) is the percentage used; b) is the total available; and c) is one of two visual graphs of those representations.
In the case of physical memory, the percentage represents the total minus the estimated avail noted above. The `Mem' graph
itself is divided between used and any remaining memory not otherwise accounted for by avail. See topic 4b. SUMMARY AREA Com‐
mands and the `m' command for additional information on that special 4-way toggle.
This table may help in interpreting the scaled values displayed:
KiB = kibibyte = 1024 bytes
MiB = mebibyte = 1024 KiB = 1,048,576 bytes
GiB = gibibyte = 1024 MiB = 1,073,741,824 bytes
TiB = tebibyte = 1024 GiB = 1,099,511,627,776 bytes
PiB = pebibyte = 1024 TiB = 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes
EiB = exbibyte = 1024 PiB = 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 bytes
vmstat 1
使用vmstat 1我们可以每秒打印下数据然后观察一下实时数据
# vmstat 1
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ------cpu-----
r b swpd free buff cache si so bi bo in cs us sy id wa st
3 0 0 3814360 249352 2314104 0 0 3 13 74 42 4 2 94 0 0
提示空间不足但是使用df 查看空间缺失充足的可能是索引节点空间不足需要使用df -i查看
cat /proc/meminfo | grep -E "SReclaimable|Cached"
![image-20220728080400405](/Users/mac/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20220728080400405.png)
![image-20220728080406509](/Users/mac/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20220728080406509.png)
![image-20220728080412252](/Users/mac/Library/Application Support/typora-user-images/image-20220728080412252.png)
Linux问题排查7, 内存1, 内存问题排查常用命令1